1) What did you think about the magazine? Explain
I think its great, it really looks
Looks good, like the way its set out
2) Would you consider buying it if it were on sale? Explain why?
Yeah, it has a really affordable price.
The price is reasonable and I think I would buy it if it were on sale. It looks real.
3) Which part did you prefer: Front
Cover, Contents or the Feature article? Explain why.
Front Cover: It’s the part that
attracts me the most to magazine, because it seems like its packed with contentFeature Article: I normally flip to the feature article when browsing, and this one really catches my attention
4) What is your opinion on the layout?
Its laid out really well, but I feel
that the contents is underdeveloped.I thought the layout was suiting and felt it added to the magazines quality.
5) What is your opinion on the
Good quality pictures, they’d make me
buy the magazine.
Awesome. Think the contents ones are
pretty cool
6) What is your opinion on the colour scheme?
I liked the colour scheme. It
complimented the other features
It didn’t stand out, which I think is
good, because it worked but was subtle about it7) What is your opinion on the fonts?
The fonts were interesting. they worked well.
They looked original and
something I hadn’t seen before. Suited the genre.
8) Would you recommend it to others? Explain why.
I have friends that I would definitely
recommend this to, it looks like the type of music they’re into
Yeah, Indie Rock fans will like it.
9) Do you feel it is age appropriate?
Explain why.
The models look like they’re my age, so
I think it would appeal to our age group.
Doesn’t seem like its for older people,
just suits our age group
10) Which parts do you feel are the
MOST effective? Explain why.
I think the colours are the most
effective. They fit the style of the magazine without getting in the way of
whats important.
The layout. It screams Indy Rock.
Loved the arrangement.
Colours were most effective, they
looked nice and thought they were just right
11) Which parts do you feel are the
LEAST effective? Explain why.
At points I thought the fonts were
undeveloped and didn’t work effectively.
The actual content of the magazine could have
been a bit better, didn’t always read as authentic.
None! I thought it all worked really
12) Any General comments/ improvements?
Fonts need some work.More engaging content.
The closed questionnaire is somewhat more helpful than an open: I can get a real sense of the OPINION of my audience, but I can't add it up and turn it into meaningful statistics. I'm going to make powerpoint drawing together the results to show how I drew in, attracted and addressed my audience! :) I hope to post that tomorrow or tonight if it turns out well.
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